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Vytváření opravdového společenství 2013

03.01.2013 20:36
  Zveme opět všechny odvážné zájemce na zážitkový seminář VYTVÁŘENÍ OPRAVDOVÉHO SPOLEČENSTVÍ Tentokrát v nové formě dvou navazujících víkendů! Seminář je určen pro ty, kteří chtějí: Učit se skrze zážitek, vlastní poznání a sdílení. Rozvíjet funkční komunikaci s respektem...

Meditace k oslavě Světového dne Jednoty

29.10.2012 21:06
  Milí přátelé, velmi rádi bychom Vás pozvali ke společné meditaci Humanity´s Teamu, kterou oslavujeme Světový den Jednoty. Tato meditace oslavuje spojení s Životem, Bohem, naším zdrojem a všemi žijícími bytostmi na planetě Zemi. Je to právě toto úžasné vědomí, že jsme tady všichni...


23.07.2012 18:25
  KDO SE CHCETE ZAPOJIT DO TOHOTO PROGRAMU?   Chystám sérii přednášek a kurzů na tato téma, kde je základem: Poznat Svůj talent (část svého Božského já) a tím uspokojit svůj hlad po seberealizaci Techniky pro ovládání sebe sama (svého těla, mysli, zdraví) a ...

Na vlně vzájemné inspirace

18.05.2012 20:37
Sešla se nám zásilka inspirací pro nadcházející rozkvetlý čas, kde se spolu můžeme potkat, nebo kde se také můžete potkat. Tak si Vám dovolujeme zaslat několik odkazů, ať se Vám mimo dovolených příjemně plní diář. Seznam aktivit s...

Jak vnímám "Hovory s Bohem"

18.05.2012 19:45
Knihy „HOVORY S BOHEM“ a další duchovní knihy      V polovině  90. let minulého století, tedy před cca 15 léty, byly v USA a později i v Česku,  vydány poprvé  knihy „Hovory s Bohem 1.-3. díl“,později knihy „Co si Bůh přeje“ a  „Přijímání Boha“ a před...

Tři síta

15.05.2012 19:00
Staří Řekové věděli, že si Sokrates velmi váží znalostí. Jednoho dne ho potkal jeden známý a povídá: "Jestlipak víš, Sokrate, co jsem se zrovna dozvěděl o Tvém příteli?" "Počkej chvilku," odpověděl Sokrates. "Než mi cokoli řekneš, rád bych Tě podrobil zkoušce. Říká se jí zkouška tří sít." "Tří...

Vědomí srdce - klub Vysoké Mýto - pozvánky

03.02.2012 17:55
  Lilit a Eva...

PF 2012

06.01.2012 13:39
  Zdravím vás milované bytosti, posielam toto svoje krátke zamyslenie ako inšpiráciu do roku 2012... Doba v ktorej žijeme, je označovaná ako dobou veľkých vedeckých objavov, doba nových médií a technológií či doba globalizácie. Najmä je však- ako všetci potvrdzujú- dobou veľkých zmien...

Na blbou otázku blbá odpověď

16.12.2011 08:36
Statistici si lámou hlavu nad tím, proč 4,77 milionu lidí neodpovědělo na otázku o víře, spekulují o naší lenosti nebo bojkotu nepovinných otázek. Můj názor je, že se hlavně špatně zeptali. Vlastně jsem nezaškrtnul ani jednu ze tří nabízených odpovědí (věřící-hlásící se k církvi,náboženské...

Vytváření opravdového společenství

21.06.2011 08:53
  Krásný dobrý den přátelé a příznivci Humanity´s Teamu,     v rámci naší spolupráce s co-housingovou komunitou bychom rádi podpořili a zároveň Vám nabídli prožitkový seminář:      VYTVÁŘENÍ OPRAVDOVÉHO SPOLEČENSTVÍ Více informací o něm naleznete v textu níže...
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 >>

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Мы несомненно поможем Для Вас совершить собственный дом интересным, комфортным, чистым также многофункциональным вследствие товарам высокого свойства. Свой сеть интернет-торговый центр «Мебельная Фабрика Москва МФМ» дает обширный перечень мебели также продуктов с целью здания.мебель-на-заказ-москва-отзывы-покупателей-мфм



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Dog Collars and leashes

Puppies bring such joy to a family. If you are the parent of small children you’ve probably realized how beneficial it is to have a family pet. It’s a great idea to introduce a dog into the family when a child is young as it helps them build a life long trust with animals and it teaches them about responsibility as well. Choosing items for the dog is always fun and this is true of dog collars and leashes as well. The collar is a simple way to show a bit of your personality on your dog and the dog leash is important when it comes to taking your four-legged friend for a walk.

Your local pet store is more than likely a place you’ve grown accustomed to visiting if you just purchased a new puppy. You need to gather all the supplies that are required when it comes to caring for a dog including water bowls, feeding dishes and food. You can also find a great selection of dog collars and leashes here.

Some pet owners love spoiling their furry friends. They buy them expensive little booties for their feet when the weather turns cold and the dog’s coat could very well cost more than one of the styles for men or women this season. For these enthusiastic pet owners there are dog collars and leashes complete with diamonds and rubies. Unless you have a nice chunk of change leftover after paying your monthly bills you probably don’t want to buy dog collars and leashes that cost more than your rent does.

Even after you purchase it don’t count on it being one that your pet is going to like. Granted he or she can’t vocalize that they find it unappealing, but some dog collars can cause a dog to scratch and scratch. If this does happen you can either glue a piece of felt inside the collar or buy one made of a different material. A nylon one is often a good choice as it rarely causes a reaction.

If they type you have isn’t really a concern leather is always a good choice. This is mainly because dog collars and leashes crafted from leather are made to last. With any luck and a good health regime your dog will live for at least a decade. It’s nice when they can have the same collar for their entire life. They will also become accustomed to the dog leash including the weight and length of it, so if you can buy one that will outlast them that’s the best kind.

visit for all your pets need



Christopher Gibbs and Tara Browne

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Dog Collars and leashes

Puppies bring such joy to a family. If you are the parent of small children you’ve probably realized how beneficial it is to have a family pet. It’s a great idea to introduce a dog into the family when a child is young as it helps them build a life long trust with animals and it teaches them about responsibility as well. Choosing items for the dog is always fun and this is true of dog collars and leashes as well. The collar is a simple way to show a bit of your personality on your dog and the dog leash is important when it comes to taking your four-legged friend for a walk.

Your local pet store is more than likely a place you’ve grown accustomed to visiting if you just purchased a new puppy. You need to gather all the supplies that are required when it comes to caring for a dog including water bowls, feeding dishes and food. You can also find a great selection of dog collars and leashes here.

Some pet owners love spoiling their furry friends. They buy them expensive little booties for their feet when the weather turns cold and the dog’s coat could very well cost more than one of the styles for men or women this season. For these enthusiastic pet owners there are dog collars and leashes complete with diamonds and rubies. Unless you have a nice chunk of change leftover after paying your monthly bills you probably don’t want to buy dog collars and leashes that cost more than your rent does.

Even after you purchase it don’t count on it being one that your pet is going to like. Granted he or she can’t vocalize that they find it unappealing, but some dog collars can cause a dog to scratch and scratch. If this does happen you can either glue a piece of felt inside the collar or buy one made of a different material. A nylon one is often a good choice as it rarely causes a reaction.

If they type you have isn’t really a concern leather is always a good choice. This is mainly because dog collars and leashes crafted from leather are made to last. With any luck and a good health regime your dog will live for at least a decade. It’s nice when they can have the same collar for their entire life. They will also become accustomed to the dog leash including the weight and length of it, so if you can buy one that will outlast them that’s the best kind.

visit for all your pets need



Marijuana Light: Gli effetti ed i Benefici

Nell' ultimo periodo in Italia abbiamo assistito al proliferare online dei <a href="">Cannabis Legale a domicilio</a> Shop, con consegna gratis, ma siamo davvero sicuri di quello che compriamo?
La vendita presso i Marijuana Light Shop è un argomento abbastanza ostico e se da una parte suscita un forte interesse, dall'altra genera molti dubbi e perplessità.
Bisogna quindi fare un po' di chiarezza.
Che intendiamo per Cannabis Legale? Sotto questo termine rientrano tutti i prodotti derivanti dalle infiorescenze di canapa che possiedono un basso contenuto di THC. A regolamentare questo aspetto è stata la legge n°. 242 del 2016, che ha stabilito che il quantitativo di tetracannabidiolo non deve superare lo 0,2%. Al di sotto di questo quantitativo, è possibile comprare prodotti di Cannabis Legale senza essere puniti dalla legge.
La Marijuana Light derivanti dalla coltivazione, sono commercializzati con la scritta “uso tecnico, florovivaistico, da collezione”. Tutto perfetto, se non fosse che negli ultimi 36 mesi diverse Procure, con un intento repressivo, hanno fatto di tutto per frenare l'ascesa di questo fenomeno attraverso una serie di sequestri che miravano a verificare il quantitativo di tetracannabidiolo presente nella Marijuana Light , per dimostrare l'illegalità del loro commercio.
A testimonianza di questo successo, c'è lo sforzo quotidiano di tantissimi commercianti che coltivano e vendono Marijuana Light Online. La crescita esponenziale del fatturato sulle loro piattaforme ha fatto scuola in questi mesi di chiusura. Infatti il volume degli ordini è aumentato mediamente del 30%.
Inoltre, questo tipo di pianta è in grado di nutrire il terreno in cui viene coltivata. E quindi, proprio per questa sua specifica peculiarità, è ritenuta estremamente utile.
La legalizzazione della Cannabis Legale a domicilio rappresenterebbe un beneficio per le casse dello stato pari a 11 miliardi di euro e un aumento del PIL compreso tra l'1,18% e il 2,34%.
Quali tipologie ci sono in giro?
Hai ancora qualche perplessità?
A differenza della Cannabis medica, ad alto contenuto di THC, Marijuana Light ha molto CBD non alcun effetto stravolgente ed non tossica, e dà ancora l'intero spettro di cannabinoidi e terpeni essenziali per produrre l'effetto “entourage”.
Il CDB non non ha nulla a che fare con la droga e quindi non può essere dichiarato illegale.
Molti studi affermano che la Marijuana Light è in grado di agire contro la nausea e, grazie alle sue proprietà anticonvulsivanti, anche contro le crisi epilettiche.
Altri articoli sono gli olii con CBD, ricchi di principi attivi.
Non sono solo gli gli uomini a poter utilizzare le numerose proprietà terapeutiche del CBD.
Anche i nostri animali ed tutti gli altri esseri possono infatti beneficiarne.
Il motivo è perché anche loro possiedono il sistema endocannabinoide (ECS).
Le più osannate sono:
Lemon Haze
Cream Caramel
Se vuoi approfondire, segui i link di questo articolo.



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